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  • Writer's pictureMegha Ray


Do I linger in the comfort of this sand so soft, or venture into the waves of the unknown?

This place of comfort might some day scald my feet, While the dangers beyond the shore may proffer a breath of freshness, this soul has been craving

Because that day is bound to come, when the sun is at its worst, or when a storm takes over. Do I choose this bed of familiarity, or sail into new winds of chaos?

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3 comentários

Megha Ray_ Forever
Megha Ray_ Forever
19 de nov. de 2022

Hey sunshine... You fans really love u 💙💙💙#megharians


23 de abr. de 2021

hi big fan plz massage me in insta plz mam


28 de fev. de 2021

Megha ray you are absolutely wonderful in the show

i am a very Busy GP In England but always find time to watch your show.

Few things i would like to say

  1. Please can you remove the name of the old Rani(anushka sen) from the website it just feels you are not updating it quick enough as the show is doing really well.

  2. Keep working Hard as you all are-My favourites yourself , Veer and offcourse the lovely vikram- WANT TO SEE THE SHOW SOON ON THE TRP LIST

  3. Why don't we see the TV episodes as a rpt in the day as other populer shows do.

  4. Is this the only way to keep in touch!!!

  5. All of you as…

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